Be Yourself, Be Beautiful! - Florence Blas - Portrait - Eugene Oregon

Florence came to Lane County for her education over 40 years ago. She told me that she quickly realized that her looks did not fit into the standard of “looks” here, let alone the standard of “beauty.” She is an absolutely stunning woman, and her bubbly personality makes me smile every time I talk to her. Which is why it was a surprise to hear that she never really felt “beautiful.” She said she has struggled to see herself as a beautiful woman as she doesn't fit the standard of “beauty” that we see in magazines and in recent years on the internet and social media. 

As a portrait photographer, I hear sometimes hear clients say they are afraid of being in photos because  they felt “they never look good” in pictures. Some of them decide to have photos taken to change their perspective of themselves through the experience of a professional portrait photoshoot, but also I know a lot of people decide not to get their photos taken even if they want to try it. Florence told me that if she could talk to her younger self, she would tell her: “Don’t waste your time trying to be something else other than who you are. Because there is nothing else more beautiful than your own personal uniqueness.”  We are truly beautiful when we embrace our own uniqueness as beauty. I am glad our photo session helped you see your beauty Florence! 

Now, for everybody else, please enjoy her interview about her journey to see true beauty in her. :)

Kenji Shimizu

Kenji is specialized in portraits, fine-art, commercials, and creating images that involve people.

Be Yourself, Be Beautiful! - Rivkah Zigman - Portrait - Eugene Oregon


Wedding Portrait - Katie & Jake - Portrait - Eugene Oregon