Senior photos for Eliott - Eugene Oregon

This is Eliott. He just graduated from high school, and he is off on a new adventure. His mom was looking for a senior photographer in town, however, he didn’t want to be photographed in the “typical” senior portrait style. We talked through Eliott’s goals for the shoot during the consultation, and we knew we would be a good fit. :)

Eliott is such an impressive young man. His determination to achieve his goals without his parents’ help is insane at his age. If he wants something, he does his research, puts time and effort into it, and finds a way to make it happen.

It is super impressive how many young people I have photographed so far who are incredibly mature and determined. (Compared to my time!lol) Working with people who will be the future of this world, and to be a small part of their journeys, is such privilege. Congratulations to Eliott for all his achievements so far, and more that he will undoubtedly achieve in the future.

Creating a mood board and coming up with ideas about what elements were important to Elliot was super fun! I am grateful he and Nicole for trusted me with Eliott’s very unique senior photos. :)

Kenji Shimizu

Kenji is specialized in portraits, fine-art, commercials, and creating images that involve people.

Alyssa - Hearth Craft Brooms


Senior photos for Monika - Eugene Oregon